delta February 2019
  • 10 participants
  • 11 discussions

[delta-chat] Desktop Client
by Marko Hehl
5 years, 9 months

[delta-chat] Algorithm of delivery of messages
by Евгений Кабанов
5 years, 11 months

[delta-chat] Google Play description on Transifex
by Enrico Bella
6 years

[delta-chat] configuration of delta with "+" extension addresses
by holger krekel
6 years

[delta-chat] ukrainian webpage, lithuanian app
by Björn Petersen
6 years

[delta-chat] My experience with DeltaChat
by Eduard Zeiger
6 years

[delta-chat] quick news / gatherings / Kyiv / Gplay / DC-IRC bot
by holger krekel
6 years

[delta-chat] Re: My experience with DeltaChat
by Eugen Wolf
6 years

[delta-chat] localization sprint take-aways
by holger krekel
6 years

[delta-chat] Fwd: !decentral
by Xenia
6 years, 1 month
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