Hi Eduard,
On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 23:08 +0100, Eduard Zeiger wrote:
that is the answer! Thank you very much!
I have no problem with a dedicated account - but please with an another app - maybe
Gamma-Chat or so.
If a dedicated account guaranteed, that i can communicate with all EMails, that is OK
<<"for me">> too.
DeltaChat will surely remain able to communicate with arbitrary e-mail addresses,
whether they use delta or not and whether one uses a "shared" or
"dedicated" account.
Dedicated versus shared is purely a "personal setup" question:
Do you want to give your regular e-mail address out for chatting
or rather use a separate "chat" address?
We understood earlier last year that many people here on the list
and on the forum strongly wished for us to continue fully supporting
shared account usage as they considered it a primary feature of DeltaChat
to be able to just use an existing mail address and account.
While developers know that this causes a lot of complexity, bugs and a
continous stream of issues -- efforts that we can not direct towards
other issuses which other people find very important -- we resolved
ourselves to fully support "shared account" usage and that is now
part of the releases.
In the current default "shared account" mode, we move chat messages
and their replies (even if those are written from non-DC clients)
from INBOX to the "DeltaChat" folder automatically. Note that
as of 0.100 releases DeltaChat supports several platforms.
To stay synchronized, all DeltaChat apps on your account need
to watch the "INBOX" and the "DeltaChat" folder and the
"Sent" folder.
That is the default -- if you change this in "Advanced settings"
you need to make sure you change it on all your DeltaChat apps
on that account.
But many People trust only there own EMail-Server and
will be happy to use EMail as Chat (like DeltaChat :-)).
sure, same here ... we don't have and don't want to have "own" messaging
but rather continue using regular mail servers :)
I use web.de, my friends use arcor, gmx ... and had
never problems since maybe 1 year or so with DeltaChat.
that's how it should be! :)
If DeltaChat starts with GooglePlay, i know(!), that
many of my another friends will be using DeltaChat too. F-Droid is for many People an
obstacle ("not known=unsecure").
cool, so let's all try to fix remaining bugs and get a good version out on G-Play soon
cheers holger (from freiburg, btw ;)