Am Tue, 12 Feb 2019 00:25:06 +0100
schrieb Marco Vittorini Orgeas <marco(a)>eu>:
There is no
"sole purpose" to the account sharing than trying to
balance and adapt with what we perceive as user expectations.
We've had many discussions with people on and off line -- if there
would be one easy obvious solution we'd maybe go for it ;)
And I, for one, would like to hear and discuss with these
people...where are they?
I am one of the people who advocated for shared account in the offline
I use DeltaChat Dev with a dedicated account and DeltaChat FDroid with
a shared account. Works fine for me, so far. Neither account is my
"major" Mailing account with 1000+ Mails / Day and I don't think that
Delta is (or could be) a good MUA for accounts like this.
Personally I don't think there is the one silver bullet to fit all
needs (and as far as I understand everyone agrees to this). So if
something changes in DC in one way or another, some paths will be
opened and some will be closed.
But I am also a Dev and so I think any change to the status quo should
be made as a proposal on how it should behave, precisely. I have not
seen that yet in this thread so I abstained from commenting (and am
only doing so because you asked where "these people" are).
If you want a specific behaviour then please specify it as precisely as
possible as a feature proposal that has the option of being turned off
for other people who don't like it. Please be aware that Dev Time is
a scarce resource so it might be that no Dev picks it up and does your
thing, happens for my things too. And this is, in the end, how stuff is
decided in projects like this and also what Holger said: "seem
interesting and relevant to us" and later: "If folks join who want to
develop on this the situation may change"
This was what has been done in the current FDroid Release: We discussed
how a shared account could work, defined changes and made toggles that
turn this changes on or off.
Have a very nice day
Der Mor