they will not see any wierd message, the location messages are hidden messages not visible
as messages, the location info will be also sent in your normal messages they will see an
small location icon in your messages
El 20 de diciembre de 2020 11:13:03 GMT-05:00, Marco Vittorini Orgeas
<marco(a)> escribió:
>On Sat, 19 Dec 2020 22:47:58 -0500
>adb <adbenitez(a)> wrote:
>> Hi Marco,
>> to continuously send your location for some minutes, tap the
>> attachments button, you will see a button to share location, I think
>> the other side has to enable the option to see the built-in map, but
>> I am not sure.
>> Regards,
>> adb
>Thanks for the info, I can see the option with the timing range.
>Now it would interesting to know if also the recipient has to enable
>experimental feature to follow the updates on the map or else if they
>are just shown as a flood of position related messages or not...