Done, and DC is the first because of lexicographic order. ;)……
Can someone please review?
compl4xx <compl4xx(a)> writes:
> Hi :) looks good. answers inline:
>>> Developer
>>> "Delta Chat contributors"
>>> (I wonder if "Merlinux" wouldn't make more sense here, as
>>> listed as such in Google Play and as all other open source projects
>>> surely also have contributors but either list individuals or
>>> companies)
> It wouldn't. Merlinux is funding a part of the development. But it's not
> the heart of the project.
>>> Open source servers
>>> Yes
>>> Should we add a note here saying that these are 3rd parties
>>> (i.e. not maintained by DeltaChat)?
> I don't think that's necessary. Let's keep it simple :)
> Thanks again for taking care of this!
> compl4xx
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