Guten Tag,
das angekündigte File - report file at
"/tmp/report-89991bf5-343d-4f15-b25c-2c74e20672cb.toml". - war n i c h
t im tmp Ordner.
Dagegen einige (offenbar gleichlautende Reports von vorhergehenden
crash-Versuchen) s.Anhang.
Ich hatte das Debian Paket installiert - DeltaChat.stable.amd64.deb-
74,0 MiB (77.632.800).
MD5: 0f6ba85eab7dc8b251119b92cdd072d5
SHA1: dc8ea46820a0c7936320180561d6aed48cee7aa0
Das Programm Deltachat ließ sich nicht starten. S. Bildschirmfotos im
Mein System:Ubuntu 19.04
Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU P9600 @ 2.53GHz × 2
Speicher: 7,7 GiB
Grafik: Mobile Intel® GM45 Express Chipset
Gnome: 3.32.1
Betriebssystem: 64-bit
SSD: 500,1 GB
Leider kann ich nicht viel mehr beitragen..aus Unkenntniss.
Ich hoffe aber es hilft.?
Ich wünsche euch viel Erfolg!!!
P.S. Wenn Bedarf ist..zu Weihnachten habe ich "Zugriff" auf einen
Informatiker. Bitte nicht zögern nachzuhaken, wenn wichtig.
your gorgeous chat software (I mean it) crashed today and doesn't run
It happened after today's 'dist-upgrade'
Let me know if you need more data
Damiano Venturin
hi all,
after quite a lot of work from friedel and me as well as help
from link2xt and others i guess we can merge the async-imap branch
(after i figured out the last CI issues and tests pass):
The branch has already been used in some Android and iOS
dev testing, and i am using it. It still has some, hopefully
minor, issues but also resolves some blocking bugs that
resulted in unusable app states (not receiving messages).
This being said, the branch is hard to review at this point
as it has been used as an alternative master and there have
bee several partial reviews. I think it's time we merge this
and then figure out any issues and new releases from it.
Attached is a text file with some logs. My DC crashed twice in the last
minutes. I'd just rebooted the phone.
Something else that might be interesting is that the last dc messages
(ie from 2am and mine from this morning) were in my inbox, and had not
been automatically redirected to the dc subfolder. Not sure if this had
to do with my Thunderbird / Debian laptop or the mail server for the
account I am using with dc.