Hi everyone,
as you might have heard, Open-Xchange is working on a new emerging standard for messaging on top of email - we call our variant "Chat Over IMAP" or "COI" in short.
We collaborate with Delta Chat in various ways:
You will find our current specification draft here:
Note that server side specs will follow, as we plan to extend IMAP and SMTP for easing messaging over email. Generally, you will find more information at
https://coi-dev.org and you can subscribe the COI developer mailing list by sending a mail to
Now, to the actual topic of this message: we are hiring! We search for capable C and Rust developers who are willing to work fulltime on future Delta Chat Core topics. Please find attached the job details.
If you have any questions or feedback, please let me know!
Many thanks in advance,
Robert Virkus
Product Manager Apps
Open-Xchange GmbH
Stavendamm 22
28195 Bremen
Phone: +49 2761 75252 00
Fax: +49 2761 75252 30
Cell: +49 160 77 88 203