Dear Mor

Thanks for reminder. Unfortunately, I will not be able to join the meeting tonight, as I will be on the plane. But I've added thoughts on the cryptpad. Namely: when we talk about security defaults, good to check this with Vadym, he had some good ideas based on his rich experience as a digital security trainer.

For the UX/UI considerations, such as LED and notifications, I think it would be great to make a user-survey. I could do a quick one on my Telegram channel, and see at least how Russian/Ukrainian readers think (some of them already using, and others following the development process). 

I do think including voices from users would be good. It does not mean we should obey to them, but if we do not really have a preference for colors or if we are unsure about notifications - why don't we try to ask the swarm intelligence?

If you think that could work, please communicate the options to me (for colors and notifications), and I will make a survey.

Otherwise, I am currently processing user-testing survey forms, and drafting the user-testing report. No blockers so far from my side.

wishing you a productive meeting,


On 01/21/2019 10:37 AM, Björn Petersen wrote:
hi Mor,

thanks for reminding :)

i've added a point to the list that came into my mind just yesterday,
a high-level-changelog we've started some time ago.
maybe we can also discuss how to handle this in the future.


On 21.01.19 at 07:34, Der Mor wrote:
Hello Delta Devs!

It's monday so lets sync in 13,5 hours :)

I was thinking about some stuff that could need talking, lets see how
far we get.

# TOPS for Sync meeting on 21. Jan 2019

1. Past, Next, Blockers
2. How to handle Issues that will not be worked on currently but are
also not resolved.
 - close
 - tag
 - (related to 3. Watch
defaults for all devices 1. Current defaults differ (at least between
Desktop and Android)
    - Watch INBOX
    - Watch Deltachat
    - Watch SENT
3. Notification Defaults for Android (and ios?)
 1. Default Color of LED -- Make a decicion thingy.
 2. Notifications on by default?
4. Security Defaults for Android (and ios?)
 1. Screenlock on by default (at least for Phones that support it AND
have one set?)


Der Mor

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